Excel in Exams

Publicity campaign resulting in ITV Meridian and radio coverage and comprehensive magazine articles – see below. Psychologist Miranda Banks created an online, interactive exam preparation programme, Smartivate, which was being marketed through a Google Adwords campaign. For the campaign to reach its true potential, she also needed to raise the profile of the programme, in addition to her Miranda Banks and Excel in Exams ™ brands.

Identifying the strongest points of the campaign – different, tailored pieces were written and sent to a variety of print and broadcast media, including monthly magazines. This was then followed up with phone calls to journalists, supplying specific photographs, information and Miranda’s details for interviews. Comprehensive coverage was achieved including a double page feature, three editorial opinion pieces, news articles as well as a monthly ongoing magazine column – creating a valuable ongoing media presence without the need to pay for any advertising.

We also wrote tags for YouTube videos to help with searches and views as well as adding ‘Subscribe annotations’ to videos to increase subscriber levels.

Examples of Press Releases

NATIONAL Psychologist Miranda Banks comments on exam results


NATIONAL Psychologist Miranda Banks comments on exam results

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