Bluebird Care Slough, South Bucks and South Wycombe

Bluebird Care (Slough, South Bucks and South Wycombe) is currently the largest and top performing of all the 200 Bluebird Care offices – they needed to create a social media presence and to raise their profile in the media.

We created Twitter and Facebook pages (see below) and then researched and wrote social media messages, linking to powerful video testimonials from carers and customers, as well as images, which helped bring the words to life. We also wrote varied press releases about their news which was shared with their regional media and a national care magazine, resulting in valuable coverage without the need for advertising.

We also suggested other ways of getting their message across such as writing Letters to Editors pieces, which were also published, increasing credibility as a local employer.

We have also explored other ways of advertising to recruit new staff, which will set them apart from other care providers.

Press Releases

FINAL Press Release2 Staff Training

FINAL Press Release4 Jobs, Aug2015

Press Release5 Bluebird Care and winter preparations, V2

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