How do you measure Public Relations?

If you’re thinking of launching a Public Relations campaign in 2022, but you are worried about delivering proof of your investment, I have some good news.

PR used to be notoriously hard to measure. It was a crude tally of circulation X column inches and wasn’t a comprehensive reflection of the true value of PR.

Fortunately technology has changed all that!

I use software which displays coverage in an electronic portfolio. It provides solid data and independent third party metrics.

This includes details of the number of times the article is likely to be viewed in its lifetime, what influence the publishing website has on search engines (very importantly, its domain authority) and how many backlinks have been created from articles to a website.

Backlinks also help with SEO and in improving your visibility on search engines because your brand has been endorsed by a third-party.

Having your PR and website experts working in tandem is an even better approach and you can delve deeper into analysing the PR shared across your social media channels. Using Google Analytics and other tools, you can see what affect the media coverage has had on website visitors.

There are ever-evolving coverage tools that can measure both tone and mentions of your brand linked to your key messages, compared with your competitors, so the metrics can get as detailed as you need.

And if you also introduce digital PR into your marketing efforts (using a Press Release, media coverage or social media to encourage downloads of your Owned Media including podcasts, blogs and whitepapers), you can see how PR has triggered more views, shares or subscribers.

PR is an amazing and powerful tool which can help you to reach new audiences, drive traffic to your website and create new opportunities and partnerships. So make sure you include it in your marketing arsenal!

Alcoholics struggling in lockdown

Photo credit: Step By Step Recovery

It was so brave of recovering alcoholic Jane, now a project worker at client Step By Step Recovery, to share how bad things were, in a bid to encourage others struggling with addiction to reach out for help.

Lockdown and the last eight months, have been tougher than ever for people with addiction problems and those in recovery.

And there’s never been a more important time to highlight the role that specialist addiction support plays.

I was delighted to see that Jane,  Step By Step Recovery and it’s outstanding service and team had been featured in iNews, after we shared Jane’s story.

Read it in full here

If you are struggling to reach the media with your news:

* Make each approach personal and only send your news to journalists who write about those sorts of topics.

* Make sure you have a ‘real’ story backed up with facts, some great quotes and images.

* Follow-up with a call a couple of days after sending your Press Release – you’d be amazed how many get ‘lost’ in Inboxes, get passed to a colleague or go on a ‘To Do’ list – never to see the light of day.

* Don’t treat all media the same. National reporters will want a really strong story and you’ll need to drop everything else and quickly supply any extra information and images they request and set up any interviews before the opportunity passes and to meet deadlines.

* Regional media need lots of information making their story a strong local one, 1-2 people quoted in their area, backed up with facts and hopefully events. And of course quality photos.

Contact me to learn more.




















#healthpr #pr # #publicrelations #marketing #healthcaremarketing #pragency

Alcoholics struggling in lockdown

Photo credit: Step By Step Recovery

It was so brave of recovering alcoholic Jane, now a project worker at client Step By Step Recovery, to share how bad things were, in a bid to encourage others struggling with addiction to reach out for help.

Lockdown and the last eight months, have been tougher than ever for people with addiction problems and those in recovery.

And there’s never been a more important time to highlight the role that specialist addiction support plays.

I was delighted to see that Jane,  Step By Step Recovery and it’s outstanding service and team had been featured in iNews, after we shared Jane’s story.

Read it in full here

If you are struggling to reach the media with your news:

* Make each approach personal and only send your news to journalists who write about those sorts of topics.

* Make sure you have a ‘real’ story backed up with facts, some great quotes and images.

* Follow-up with a call a couple of days after sending your Press Release – you’d be amazed how many get ‘lost’ in Inboxes, get passed to a colleague or go on a ‘To Do’ list – never to see the light of day.

* Don’t treat all media the same. National reporters will want a really strong story and you’ll need to drop everything else and quickly supply any extra information and images they request and set up any interviews before the opportunity passes and to meet deadlines.

* Regional media need lots of information making their story a strong local one, 1-2 people quoted in their area, backed up with facts and hopefully events. And of course quality photos.

Contact me to learn more.




















#healthpr #pr # #publicrelations #marketing #healthcaremarketing #pragency

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